When people ask me if I have hope, with regard to Earth and our common future, my response is generally "no". Then I go on to explain that, while I don't have "hope", instead I know that we can turn things around. We know what the problems are, and we know what to do. We even have the technology necessary for much of it, and once we walk the path towards "solutions", what we don't know we will learn. What I don't know is IF we will do this. And hope is not going to cut it. Because hope implies doubt. It's a limited vision. What separates "hope" from "knowing" is, what you said: Love. Not that people who hope do not also love, rather Love is a verb. Love is the most powerful force, the creative force, in the Cosmos. What we humans commonly think of as love (friendship, passionate/intimate love) is one thread, one vibration in the energetic tapestry of Love.

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“I have no illusions about “saving the Earth”. I just want to do as little harm as possible and to survive. And to be a helper.”

My sentiments as well !

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