Annabel’s Odyssey

If I have one gift it is translating the world into words that touch people. And this is my platform to share my writing.

This platform replaces Facebook, where I have been composing free form for the past 12 years. For the last 8 years I have been alone out on the Taos Mesa, a place known as the big empty. And this land has taught me a great deal.

We who are on the edge of old age have a chance to dive deep into what makes us human. We have a chance at profound joy. We must face our regrets and failures head on. And, we can, if we choose, live what I call “a good life”. This is different from “living the good life” as most in the west understand it. The latter focuses on the material world and what you have. The former on the inner life, on being part of a community, on creativity and work that is loved, and on relationships with other people and the natural world. That is what I write about the most in the newsletter.

My other focus is life beyond capitalism. These posts are about what and how we replace the brutal capitalist regime with a new eco-centric global economic system for the 21st century.

They are also about the current fascist threat and how we meet it.

The perils of late stage capitalism are becoming more obvious with each passing day. On the human level the cost of continuing to uphold this failed economic model is counted in poverty, broken dreams, and needless suffering and death, especially of children and the elderly.

But that is not the only cost, and the other is far graver in the long run. Predatory capitalism is driving both the climate crisis and the 6th mass extinction. And we too will soon be on the endangered species list.

This is not about merely substituting communism or even socialism for the current global form of capitalism, but rather about creating a new form of economy that centers the biosphere and natural processes upon which all live, including human, stands.

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High IQ and ADHD. I write about what I am thinking about either for its intrinsic meaning or because it captures me. I write both factual analysis and compelling stories. You may like one or the other better, but I mix it up, so I hope you keep reading.


I am a writer and photographer living in the high desert on the mesa west of Taos NM with my two geriatric cats and one rescue puppy.